Sunday, June 13, 2010
Moving to
I am transferring my blog to my new site at Wordpress has a more flexible software (and I get a better URL). I invite you to join me there - all old content will be available there as well as here.
Bad to the Bohn
Friday, June 11, 2010
Rules for Radicals
Then "Rules for Conservative Radicals" by Michael Patrick Leahy. From the description, Leahy takes Alinksy's secular tactics and combines it with moral principles. But first, I need to get through "Rules for Radicals" before moving onto the good stuff.
*To be updated*
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
WARNING: You are about to read the Constitution of the United States
h/t Patch
Barney Frank
- Damage the environment
- Limit quality healthcare availability
- Damage financial sector by deregulating
- Limit rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively
- Yeah, I'm sure it's a shame the GOP isn't a collection of socialists
- Allow discrimination
h/t Patch
Tea Party member attacked
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Katrina less unpopular than BP spill
By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans support the pursuit of criminal charges in the nation's worst oil spill, with increasing numbers calling it a major environmental disaster. Eight in 10 criticize the way BP's handled it – and more people give the federal government's response a negative rating than did the response to Hurricane Katrina.
A month and a half after the spill began, 69 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll rate the federal response negatively. That compares with a 62 negative rating for the response to Katrina two weeks after the August 2005 hurricane.
BP's response to the spill draws even broader criticism – 81 percent rate it negatively. And 64 percent say the government should pursue criminal charges against BP and other companies involved in the spill, which has poured oil into the Gulf from a well 5,000 feet beneath the surface since an explosion and fire destroyed the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig April 20.But the BP spill isn't going to become Obama's Katrina?
Helen Thomas: Gone-zo
But at least the terrorist group Hamas loves her:
Israelis ignore the reality, that they never belong in Palestine but belong in some other countries they know better.
Thomas when she asked by David , where Jews should go ? she replied him: “They should go home, German , Poland, America and anywhere else”.
She also mentioned that “remember these people are occupied and it is their land , not German and not Poland”.
This statement by Thomas Helen reflects the opinion of American majority in USA and all masses who support justice and peace in Palestine an whole world.
Moreover, her statement serves peace process in -Middle East- as they like to call it, to a very great extent.
Peace process will be successful, only when Israel get out of Arab Areas, Golan and occupied Palestine, then we can say that peace is happily achieved, other wise, and as long Israel occupies Palestine and some Arab lands, peace will never be achieved and more headache will be brought to the world by state of terror-Israel.
Ground Zero Mosque
h/t Michelle Malkin
Whale of a Tale
Environmentalists, already peeved with the administration’s handling of the Gulf oil spill, are accusing President Obama of breaking his campaign pledge to end the slaughter of whales.
The Obama administration is leading an effort within the International Whaling Commission to lift a 24-year international ban on commercial whaling for Japan, Norway and Iceland, the remaining three countries in the 88-member commission that still hunt whales.
The administration argues that the new deal will save thousands of whales over the next decade by stopping the three countries from illegally exploiting loopholes in the moratorium.
But environmentalists aren’t buying it.
Warren County Tea Party
- Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit
- Michelle Moore of A Traditional Life Lived
- Patch W. Adams of
- Dana Loesch of The Dana Show
- Dr. Gina Loudon
- Bill Federer
- And many others...
Saturday, June 5, 2010
WTC Mosque Imam linked to "Freedom" Flotilla
The imam behind a proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea this week.h/t Gateway Pundit
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its Website.
Perdana is the single biggest donor ($366,000) so far to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organizer of the six-ship flotilla that tried to break Israel’s blockade of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip Monday.
Nine passengers aboard the largest ship died in clashes with Israeli commandos, and a new confrontation loomed today, when another Free Gaza Movement ship was due to reach Gaza waters in defiance of Israel.
… The Free Gaza Movement is a charity that has made nine seaborne aid missions in the past two years to break the Israeli blockade.
In the latest effort, the group’s ship, the MV Rachel Corrie, which sails under an Irish flag, had made it about 35 miles off the Gaza coast last night before it was intercepted.
2nd Verse of Star-Spangled Banner
I found this video on Reboot Congress:
You can read along too:
Oh! thus be it e'er, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
'Red Meat' on Glenn Beck
Friday, June 4, 2010
Birthers = Tea Party, right? Wrong.
- 15% of Democrats are birthers.
- 18% of Independents are birthers.
- 31% of Republicans are birthers.
- 34% of poll group are Democrats.
- 38% of poll group are Independants.
- 24% of poll group are Republicans.
- 5.1% are D Birthers
- 6.84% are I Birthers
- 7.44% are R Birthers
- 26% of Birthers are Dem
- 35% of Birthers are Ind
- 38% of Birthers are Rep
Kagan stance on Partial Birth Abortion
Life News:
A newly-produced document today from the Clinton archives is the second to show Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan defending ex-President Bill Clinton’s veto of a bill to ban partial-birth abortions. The memo, and others, may increase Republican opposition to her nomination.
In one of the documents that comprises the 46,000 pages of material the William J. Clinton Presidential Library released today, Kagan opined on the ban for Clinton as an attorney with the administration’s Office of Domestic Policy.
In a February 27, 1997 memo to top White House staff, Kagan referred to the startling admission from Ron Fitzsimmons, at the time the executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers.
The debate then had been on whether the partial-birth abortion procedure was done for health reasons for the mother or essentially on healthy unborn children for elective reasons only.
Leading pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL made claims that flew in the face of medical practice by saying the three-day-long abortion procedure would somehow be able to save a woman’s life in a life-threatening medical circumstance.
Fitzsimmons signed on to that mantra but eventually relented, saying he “lied through my teeth” about the statistics and supposed reasons for the abortion procedure.
According to CNN, the new memo showed Kagan advising Clinton, saying it “it would be a great mistake to challenge” Fitzsimmons’ statements give how embarrassing they were for abortion advocates.
“The president’s position today remains what it has always been,” Kagan added, defending Clinton’s veto in the face of the admission, “that he will sign a bill banning partial-birth abortions, but only if it has an exception that will protect those women — even if few in number — who need this procedure to save their lives or prevent serious harm to their health.”
This Week in Tea - Black Panthers
As stated by Kevin Jackson, racism lies not on the right, but on the left. Read The Big Black Lie for more.
Napolitano to Help stop Illegal Border Crossing
The United States government, which has difficulty controlling its own borders, has agreed to help Saudi Arabia secure its dangerous border areas near Yemen.
It is a very rough border, very difficult to protect from illegal crossings," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said.
In late May, Ms. Napolitano met Saudi leaders to discuss a range of security programs, including training, joint exercises, intelligence and arms sales. Officials said both the Americans and Saudis agreed that the Iranian-backed Shi'ite insurgency from Yemen was the leading threat to Riyad.
Officials said the U.S. military was modernizing the Saudi Arabian National Guard as well as Interior Ministry security forces. They said Riyad has ordered hundreds of millions of dollars worth of air- and ground-based reconnaissance equipment to monitor the desert border with Yemen.
IV Drug Recall for Pfizer,2933,593986,00.html
HILARIOUS - Flotilla Choir Video: "We Con the World"
This week at Latma – the Hebrew-language media satire website I edit, we decided to do something new. We produced a clip in English. There we feature the Turkish-Hamas “love boat” captain, crew and passengers in a musical explanation of how they con the world.Enjoy:
We think this is an important Israeli contribution to the discussion of recent events and we hope you distribute it far and wide.
All the best,
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Mexican Immigrant's view on SB 1070
Havens Center
Cloward and Piven, anyone? Or more of a "nudge"?
Black Panthers' Racism
h/t Patch
Sarah Silverman uses Ethnic Slur
Christy gets it yet again!
Christie speaks in Washington DC, calling Newark schools 'absolutely disgraceful' |
h/t Sharp Elbows
Bush would waterboard KSM again
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
UN Resolution against Israel
Short of publicly kicking Benjamin Netanyahu in the groin I can’t think of any clearer signal the Obama White House could have sent regarding their attitude towards, and plans for, Israel.
C&C Article about Pi-Lambda Zeta

I want one of those signs.
I'm trying to post more pharmacy content. One that caught my eye:
h/t Counsel meIn several of the train stations, as well as at the airport, I took note of occasional signs which read "Abuse of Staff will not be Tolerated", followed by a warning about said abuse and what penalties could be incurred. My first thought was that it's unfortunate such signs are necessary. My second thought was, where can I get hold of one of those signs?.... you know, for those special days in the pharmacy. Yelling at me because your doctor hasn't authorized a refill has about the same result as yelling at a ticket agent to get the trains running on time.
Chris Mattew's hit-piece: "Rise Of The New Right"
MSNBC's promo for Chris Matthews' new "documentary" on "Rise Of The New Right." This'll prove to be an objective hit piece, I'm sure.
Dana Loesch posted her thoughts on this "documentary"
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
More Pelosi Religiousity
... and hypocrisy.
In addition to Pelosi talking about her favorite Word:
Nancy Pelosi's Favorite Word
I wonder: what does "The Word" say about mudering innocent children because people can't handle the inconvenient consequences of their actions? This is such a hypocritical move when the secular left tries to create a non-Constitutionally based "Seperation of Church and State."
I thought this was the word:
or this: